Is Surgery the Only Solution for Ptosis?

Ptosis is the clinical term for a droopy eyelid, typically one lid that droops lower than the other. While it’s not uncommon among kids, ptosis can interfere with your child’s vision, and it’s sometimes associated with vision problems, like amblyopia, also called lazy eye.
Leading pediatric eye specialists in Mesa and Phoenix, Arizona, the team at ABC Children's Eye Specialists offers advanced, patient-centered care for ptosis, helping kids enjoy the clearest vision possible. Learn how ptosis happens, what problems it can cause, and how we can help.
Quick facts about ptosis
Ptosis happens when the eyelid muscles aren’t able to support one or both eyelids in their normal positions. The condition can be either congenital — present at birth — or acquired later on, following an injury or medical problem, like a stroke or nerve issue.
In kids, most ptosis is congenital, and it often occurs in kids with a family history of ptosis.
Ptosis can be problematic at any age, but it’s especially concerning among kids. That’s because a child’s eyes and vision are still developing, and they require good vision for other types of development, too.
Often, kids with ptosis develop other vision issues, like amblyopia, diplopia (double vision), strabismus (crossed eyes), or corneal damage. Sometimes, ptosis leads to refractive vision issues, like astigmatism. And, of course, a droopy lid can take a toll on a child’s self-esteem, too.
Treating ptosis: Is surgery necessary?
Before deciding on the right course of therapy for ptosis, your doctor performs a comprehensive eye exam, including testing to identify the underlying cause of lid drooping. They also assess your child for vision issues typically associated with ptosis.
If your child has very mild ptosis with no accompanying vision issues, they may not require treatment — only observation to make sure the drooping doesn’t get worse.
We may still recommend additional testing to learn the cause of your child’s lid issues and to rule out underlying medical issues that might need treatment.
When ptosis does cause vision issues, then yes, surgery is the best solution to correct the lid position. There aren’t exercises or other tools that can be used to restore normal lid position. That’s why surgery is so important.
During surgery, our team repositions and repairs the eyelid muscles that lift and support the eyelid, restoring normal eyelid function and optimal vision for your child. If ptosis causes other vision issues, like astigmatism or amblyopia, we offer additional therapies to treat those issues, as well.
Your child’s vision is our priority
If you think your child has ptosis — in one or both eyes — an evaluation is very important. Even mild ptosis could be an indication of underlying nerve or muscle issues that need treatment.
To learn more about ptosis, call our offices to book an appointment with the team at ABC Children’s Eye Specialists today.
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